This book is very well written and a great resource for the average dog owner with lots of examples and a handy translation section in the back. It breaks down dog communication into barks, growls, howls, whimpers, body language and ear, eye and tail signals so you can decode the noises that come out of your dog and the body language he uses. Not only is this book a great resource and tool, it can improve your relationship with your pooch since you will better understand what he is trying to tell you.
For example, my un-cuddly sheltie Buster would often turn his face away from me and yawn when I would get down on the floor to snuggle with him. Now, thanks to Stanley Coren, I know he is not just getting ready to take a nap but basically telling me he is uncomfortable and to go the heck away. I am pretty sure Buster is happy I finally got the point and your dog will be glad that you understand him too once you learn how to speak dog!