Pictures of "Shag Haircut and Styles">Shag Haircut and Styles that brings backthe shag seventies hairstyle and adds a new
dimension."try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href=
border="0" alt="Shag Haircut and Celebrities" id=
"BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5289662520705467378" name=
"BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5289662520705467378"> The 1970’s shag haircut trend isstarting up again with famous celebrities like Meg Ryan and Lisa Rinna wearing various styles. Carol Brady
from “The Brady Bunch” made the ""
title="shag hairstyle">shag hairstyle popular in the 70’s. The modern twist onthe layered style has a
combination of a little punk hairstyle and layered bobin the
mix.Add some highlights and a funky hair color, the ""
title="shag hairstyle">shag hairstyle hasbeen revived. Most like it short and choppy, but the hair cut
canbe medium or long lengths also. Try a hairstyle from this ""
title="shag haircut gallery">shag haircut gallery.
Celebrity Shag Haircut Hairstyles Shag cut like Halle Berry, Lisa
Rinna, and Meg Ryan. This hairstyle does not look greaton everyone. But ladies with
narrow shaped faces can pull it off diva style. I like the way it
gives a spazazz appeal and almost empowering look. The hairstylist
that creates this look hasto know what they are doing or the
haircut willbe choppy.